Monday 4 April 2016

(Toast) Talk of the Town!

Here's to a speech for the ages!

I am NOT comfortable at all speaking publicly. Standing in front of a room full of people to deliver a speech, whether it was back in school or for work would make my scalp burn, my mouth feel as dry as a bucket of sand, and my already quick speaking-pattern speed up to match an auctioneer! I remember giving my Maid of Honour speech at April's wedding, but what I actually said? It's a blur because my heart was racing and I was pretty sure I would drown in my sweat. In my head I sounded like a babbling fool, and for that, I'm eternally grateful that no one recorded it.

If I was smarter, I'd have brought in a speech-ringer... Like Will Ferrell
So, it's no surprise that during speeches at weddings, I am all ears and at full attention. I love hearing the heartfelt esentiments family member and friends share, and even though I hold my breath, when each speech is done, I applaud wildly partly because who can resist all those great anecdotes and all that love? But other part comes from feeling relief that the toastmaster pulled it off and did such a great job.  This begs the question: we know what makes one good, but what makes a speech, well, not to put too fine a point on it, a bad speech?   Glamour magazine has got the wrong, the bad and the ugly covered, in all their cringe-worthy glory!

*~They said WHAT??! Wedding speeches that don't make the cut!~*

Somehow, after reading these examples of what NOT to say during a wedding speech EVER, I think I might have a slightly more positive recollection of mine!

But wait, there's more! More bad speeches we love (to use as cautionary tales!)

*~More bad speeches than you can shake a stick at!~*


But, because it can't be all deliciously bad speeches, here are some tricks of the toastmaster's trade, a quick guide to making the most of your mic-time!

*~Out with the bad and in with the good!~*

Wishing you a day as limitless as you are~
Lisa and April

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