Any couple who look this pristine running through a forest has got to be the real deal, right? Via ostroveletania.blogspot.com |
(Taupe - a perfectly acceptable, albeit bland, unforgettable colour in the brown colour family; Bella Swan)
'Twilight', the juggernaut book series by Stephanie Meyer, is awesome. Merriam-Webster Dictinary defines the word awesome as 'causing feelings of fear and wonder: causing feelings of awe; extremely good'. This book launched a movie franchise, plucked Robert Pattinson out of the Harry Potter universe and turned him into a heartthrob, while he and his on-screen soulmate/off-screen girlfriend Kristen Stewart were the subjects of intense media scrutiny, rabid fandom worship, a snazzy name for their pairing ('Robsten') and gave a generation the ultimate in wedding goals. Behold the Cullen-Swan wedding, in all its splendour:
The happy couple, married without any drama and dining in the moonlight
Via professionalfangirls.com
But before the reception ......... |
A magnificent groom awaits his bride in the middle of a magical forest
Via centives.com |
The dress that triggered a million Pinning fingers
Via dailymail.co.uk
Not only did this wedding spawn hundreds of thousands of Pinterest boards and create a bridal demand for the pop-culture approved Bella-inspired wedding dresses, Edward and Bella were directly responsible for giving birth to another awesome book series, '50 Shades of Grey'. Anastasia and Christian Grey's tale began its life as Edward and Bella fan fiction on the good ol' interwebs. So when I say that both the 'Twilight' and '50 Shades' book series are awesome, I mean that they fill me with both fear and wonder. The writing in both of sets of books scares the bejeezus out of me (it's bad, you guys, seriously groan-inducing and cringe-worthy; and yet in comparison, Meyers is Bronte-esque in comparison to E.L James' cheesy and laughable writing. I can't even try to justify one being better than the other, it's basically like comparing sh*t to diarrhea: news flash, they're the same!) And I wonder how a character like Bella Swan could be so relatable and idolized
when she was such a boring literary character? And how a wordly, experienced, articulate man-monster hybrid could become utterly undone and in awe of lip-biting, ultra-blinky, stammering Pants, I mean, Bella?! But, on the other hand, the rabid consumption of both book series is awesome, as in extremely good! Even in the midst of the wretched writing, it's still commendable that these characters, no matter how flawed, came to grab and enthrall a generation and lead them to read these books en masse. Young adult book series have enjoyed a real rise in popularity and in a lot of cases, the bar has been risen and both the writing and characters are much better; authors are elevating their craft and creating characters who are closer to being fully realized and realistic people (or at the very least, not beige and bland, like a certain
Pants.) We have since been introduced to a new love triangle in Katniss/Peeta/Gale, we've explored the City of Bones and with each book comes an imaginative fandom who are looking to incorporate fantasy straight from the pages into wedding-day reality, whether it's in their themes or photography, all the way to their makeup and hairstyles and fashion.
A far cry from the chaos of Panem
Via Pinterest |
May the odds (to dazzle at your wedding) be ever in your favour!
Via Pinterest |
Via Pinterest |
And the literary-wedding day union doesn't stop,there; books, honest-to-goodness books and graphic novels are an acceptable and in a lot of cases, STUNNING source for wedding day inspiration.
Anyone up for a trip to the Night Circus?
Or to find a handful of Stardust??
Channel your inner Yvaine and Tristan!
Via Pinterest
Who knew that we would see inspiration leap off the pages and find their way into wedding days far and wide? Edward and Bella's wedding: a gateway literary wedding? Now THAT'S awesome!
Wishing you a day as limitless as you are~
Lisa and April
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